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Scientific and technical journal established by OSTU. Media registration number: ПИ № ФС77-75780 dated May 23, 2019. ISSN: 2220-4245. Subscription index in the online catalog «Subscription Press» (www.akc.ru): E28002. Subscription to the electronic version is available on the «Rucont» platform.
The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index and in the List of Russian Scientific Journals .

Search results

  • V.3(47), 2021

    The effect of longitudinal sleeper unstiffnes of the railway to the stability of the movement of electric locomotives

    It is shown that dynamic systems, «rolling stock - way» due to the unevenness of the path on length should be described by ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients, the method of analyzing differential equations with constant, variable and random coefficients describing the movement of electric locomotive nodes when they move along an uneven path. In the transition to a new paradigm, we can talk about areas of dynamic instability, which in the case of simple parametric resonances develop near critical frequencies, but this is not one specific point, but a zone that expands with increasing coefficients of parametric excitation. In addition, the presence of friction in the system does not guarantee the limitation of resonant amplitudes. The effect of parametric arousal factors on the width of the dynamic instability zone has been established. There are many other features in the behavior of differential equations with variable coefficients, so it is impossible to replace the action of unevenness with some equivalent geometric irregularity, since at this moment there is no exact solution to the problem with which to compare the results of approximate mathematical models.
  • V.2(42), 2020

    Improving the mathematical model of the wear of the elements of contact pairs of electric current collection devices at high-speed movement

    This article discusses the improvement of the electrical component of the wear model of the elements of contact pairs of current collector devices under conditions of high-speed movement. The histograms of the electrical wear of contact elements obtained by calculation using the existing and improved mathematical models are presented. Analysis of the obtained histograms allows us to conclude that the calculation accuracy is improved according to an improved mathematical model by taking into account the influence of the aerodynamic effects of the air flow and the speed of the rolling stock.
  • V.3(31), 2017

    The choice of the current type for ulan-bator railway electrification

    The experience of the railways electrification in Russia and the justification of the current type choice for the electrification of the Ulan-Bator Railway are considered. The calculation of the maximum mass of the wagons of freight trains of an AC electric locomotive of 2ES5K and an electric locomotive of direct current 2ES6 in the conditions of the Ulan Bator Railway is performed. The rationale for choosing the kind of current for the electrification of the Ulan Bator railway is presented.
  • V.1(21), 2015

    Influence chemical properties of polymers and modes ir-energy supply on the strength and plasticity insulation in local technology to extend the life of electric cars traction rolling stock

    In order to extend the service life of electric machines traction rolling stock has been proposed recovery technology insulation using infrared energy, will improve the quality of insulation in terms of the breakdown voltage and hardness. This article analyzes and estimated of experimental studies conducted in two different meaningful of the work in this direction. Presents an analysis these works in terms of distinctive features and conclusions of the pilot studies. According to the analysis formulated a new hypothesis about the need to address when capsulating the insulation and its elasticity. Also set new directions for future research.
  • V.4(44), 2020

    Mathematical model for integrated evaluation of the innovation cars operational efficiency in the freight traffic

    The article consider the mathematical model for integrated evaluation of the innovation cars operational efficiency in the freight traffic. Created the complex systems of freight rolling stock efficiency indicators of the innovation cars providing aggregate multiplicative effect of increase in productivity. Presents the calculations of the rolling stock productivity indicators model change from operation for one production cycle of innovation cars in the cargo movement. The executed in the article researches and received modeling results show that the rolling stock use efficiency in the cargo movement are consider into account of influence factors from the innovation cars implementation.
  • V.2(42), 2020

    Determination of power and energy intensity energy storage systems for improvement performance indicators of traction power supply

    The article presents the results of research on the efficiency of the electric energy storage system in traction power supply on the example of one of the sections of JSC "Russian Railways". The results of measurements of electric values of electric rolling stock when moving along the railway section under study are considered. Based on simulation modeling, an assessment of the impact of power storage systems on the capacity of the railway section is obtained. Graphs of changes in the minimum travel interval and the minimum voltage on the current collector of an electric moving train depending on the power of the storage system, energy intensity, and threshold voltages for charge and discharge modes are constructed. An algorithm for the operation of the power storage system at a traction substation or linear device has been developed. Based on the simulation results, a graph of the degree of charge is constructed and a series characteristic is determined that allows maintaining the discharge depth at the level of no more than the specified one. Based on the results of calculations, the power, energy intensity and charging characteristics of the storage system are determined, which provide the required voltage level at the current receiver of an electric moving train within the boundaries of interstation zones.
  • V.4(28), 2016

    Defining for rms-velosity of rolling stock

    The article deals with such important concept as the resonance to three cases: when rolling stock is described by a system of linear differential equations with constant coefficients, when the mathematical model of rolling stock represented a nonlinear system of differential equations, and when in the latter we take into account the multiplicative disturbance from railway, namely its non-equal-elasticity between sleepers. In this case, speak properly and correctly is not about a particular value of RMS-velocity, but on parametric instability areas.
  • V.1(45), 2021

    Research of the hardness of the varnish layer of the insulation fingers of the locomotive traction electric motor with the convective and thermo-radiation drying methods

    The article describes the study of the mechanical characteristics of polymer insulation, in particular the hardness of the insulating lacquer layer with a different methods of drying it. The influence of the hardness and elasticity of the dried impregnating material on the reliability of the insulating structures during the operation of electrical equipment of the traction rolling stock is analyzed. A device has been created and presented that allows for a simple measurement of the hardness of the varnish film on a pre-selected object of study, which was the insulating finger of the bracket of the brush holder of an electric locomotive traction motor. The process of measuring hardness and results for three groups of insulating fingers are presented: insulating fingers without coating by an impregnating compound (press material); impregnating material, sealed by convective method; impregnating material baked by thermoradiation method. On the basis of the obtained practical results, the effect of the energy supply on the curing process when performing drying by the convective and thermoradiation methods is explained. Also presented are photographs of an electrically insulating lacquer layer from an electron microscope, which allow the microstructure to be evaluated for the presence of gas inclusions, which have a negative effect on both mechanical and electrical indicators of polymeric insulation. A study was made of the relationship between the parameter of electrical and mechanical strength. On the basis of experimental data, the dependence of the breakdown voltage on the hardness of the insulating lacquer layer was constructed.
  • V.2(50), 2022

    Analysis of the characteristics of the traction load on high-speed sections to determine the operating conditions of power storage devices

    An increase in the speeds of the electric rolling stock has an impact on the energy indicators of the operation of the traction power supply system. One of the technical solutions to the task of equalizing the traction load schedule to reduce voltage losses in the contact network is the use of electricity storage systems. The article presents the results of simulation modeling, which allow us to estimate the change in the energy indicators of an electric train with an increase in movement speeds for conditions of a single electric train following a section. According to the results of traction calculations, the influence of the voltage level on the electric train current collector on the technical speed is shown, the deviation of which for the typical voltage values in high-speed traffic is about 1%. For the selected section of rapid movement and technical speeds, the voltage level for traction calculations is justified. The dependences of the change in the average values of the load and the technical speed with an increase in the maximum speed up to 250 km/h are determined. Statistical estimates for the voltage on the pantograph of the Velaro RUS electric train are determined. The influence of the energy intensity of the onboard storage system with the corresponding charging characteristic on the reduction of maximum currents is shown. Dependences are obtained for the voltage drop on the electric train current collectors with an increase in movement speeds. The assessment of the maximum energy intensity of storage devices for the most severe operating conditions with a single electric train track on the site was carried out. These results allow us to determine the prospects for improving the method of calculating energy indicators and the use of accumulation systems in areas of rapid movement as on-board systems and compare their effectiveness with stationary systems based on simulation modeling, in which various control algorithms are implemented.
  • V.1(33), 2018

    Improvement of the method of calculating the lengthof the braking path of railway rolling stock

    Features of the methods of calculation of a braking distance of the train applied now are considered. The main shortcomings of the most widespread method of definition of a braking distance on speed intervals are shown. Authors offered the new method of calculation allowing to consider critical parameters of process of braking (speed of a brake wave; character of an indicator diagram of the brake cylinder and mode of a brake; the actual initial speed for calculation of a way of action of brakes of the train). For verification of the offered method computer modeling is executed and the analysis of results of the different methods of calculation of braking length received at application is carried out. The new method allows to make calculation of braking length of the rolling stock more precisely.
  • V.2(46), 2021

    Mathematical simulation of mechanical stresses arising at uneven heating of the traction electric motor nb-514 and improvement of its design

    The purpose of this work is to determine the causes of cracks in the frame of traction motors of electric locomotives. An analysis of the statistics of detecting cracks in the frame of NB-514 traction motors at the Eastern testing area is presented, showing that every third frame in operation has cracks. The method of mathematical modeling on a computer with the use of FEM was used. It is noted that carrying out measurements in the crack initiation zone by the tensometric method is practically impossible due to the geometry of the frame. The results of mathematical modeling of mechanical stresses arising in the frame of the NB-514 traction motor during its uneven heating to temperatures characteristic of the hourly mode of operation of the traction motor are considered. It is shown that mechanical stresses arising only due to the temperature difference between the ambient air and the windings of the main and additional poles of the traction motor can reach 100 MPa. Variants of changing the design of the ventilation windows of the frame are proposed to reduce the magnitude of temperature stresses with a constant area of the ventilation openings. When correcting the shape of the ventilation windows of the traction motor frame, these voltages can be reduced to 76 MPa. It was concluded that one of the main reasons for the formation of cracks in the frame of traction motors are cyclically repeating temperature stresses, which is especially important for electric locomotives operating on mountain pass sections in the pushing mode. It is noted that the appearance of mechanical stresses in the backbone of the traction motor also depends on vibrations arising from the path and operation of the gear train, as well as on the variable part of the magnetic field of the motor, which are not currently studied in detail.
  • V.1(17), 2014

    Research of effectiveness of convection and methods thermoradiative capsulating winding insulation for repair of electric machines tpn

    The article studies comparing the effectiveness of using thermoradiation and convective drying methods insulation windings of electrical machines of traction rolling stock, impregnated with various modern varnishes and compounds at their factory and depot repair. Objective factors in the comparison methods are parameters such as temperature class, electric strength and cementing capacity. The author substantiates advantage thermoradiation method over convective.
  • V.3(51), 2022

    Improvement of methods and algorithms for calculating energy indicators of traction power supply system with adjustable devices

    The calculation of the performance indicators of the traction power supply system in steady-state modes is focused on solving a wide range of tasks related to the choice of parameters of the power equipment of traction substations, the placement of linear equipment, the cross section of the contact suspension, the comparison of options for technical and economic indicators. Currently, the appearance of various regulated devices in the traction power supply system necessitates the improvement of calculation methods and algorithms used in various software complexes. In this paper, the issues of constructing substitution schemes for modeling the operation of the traction power supply system in steady-state modes, taking into account the devices for automatic switching on and off of the backup converter unit of the traction substation and the accumulation of electricity. The corresponding substitution schemes and fragments of calculation algorithms that take into account the characteristics and operating modes of these devices are presented. The use of the proposed substitution schemes allows us to take into account in the calculations the difference in the external characteristics of the converter units, to assess the compliance of the automation settings with the level of electric traction load and the effect of the device on the voltage level on the substation tires and in the contact network, the load capacity of traction substations, and for the accumulation device, taking into account the charging and discharge characteristics, to additionally assess the impact on the effectiveness of regenerative braking. The proposed algorithms of the devices are designed to improve the methods of calculating the indicators of the traction power supply system. The paper proposes an improved method for calculating the indicators of the traction power supply system, based on simultaneous traction and electrical calculations, based on the database of calculations performed for various conditions of electric rolling stock on the railway section.
  • V.3(43), 2020

    Multi-factor analysis of statistical information using fuzzy set theory techniques

    The article proposes a method of using the mathematical apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets in automation of the locomotives reliability management, because when writing algorithms there is a problem of transition from not fully formalized concepts of human communication to formalizing software. Examples of the fuzzy sets use in calculating the locomotives reliability are described. When calculating the reliability parameters manually, the volume of calculations does not allow you to move to more complex algorithms. When there are automated systems, it is necessary for each indicator of the transportation process, which affects its reliability, to set the function of belonging to a dangerous and normal value using the mathematical apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets. Then the risk of a dangerous event will be assessed in probability, taking into account the logical claim to the risk.
  • V.4(36), 2018

    Development of the imitation model of depovian repair of locomotives taking into account the probability of the appearance of additional technological operations

    In this article the problems of efficiency of functioning of production systems of the locomotive repair enterprise are solved. In particular, the object of research is the technological processes of repair and maintenance of electric locomotives at the enterprises for repair of traction rolling stock. The article presents a mathematical description of the production process of such enterprises, on the example of the service locomotive depot «Moskovka». The mathematical model is described on the basis of queueing theory (QS) and Markov chains. A graph of the technological state of the locomotive during repair in the depot, where the process of transition of the repaired rolling stock from the state to the state, i.e. the relationship of technological movements of the electric locomotive on the territory of the depot, as well as the time of technological operations described transition matrix. The distribution of repair requests is described by the Poisson law, the delay of the electric locomotive in the depot areas in the planned types of repair in accordance with the accepted norm, and in the unplanned form of repair, the applications are delayed in accordance with the distribution of erlang. Based on the results of the mathematical description of the model of the production process of the repair enterprise, a simulation model of the operation of the Moskovka depot was created, implemented on a computer with the help of professional software of a new generation - AnyLogic. The paper describes the logic diagram of the simulation model, selected methods and modeling libraries. According to the results of the study, the overall assessment of technological performance indicators of the locomotive repair enterprise, in the conditions of probabilistic, dynamic changes in the repair task. By means of the methods of research of technological processes of depot «Moskovka» realized in article, it is possible to design any repair enterprises on repair of a rolling stock of the railroads, for the purpose of identification of «bottlenecks» of production process.
  • V.4(52), 2022

    Simulation modeling of the operation of electricity storage devices in post-accident and forced operating modes of the traction power supply system

    One of the properties of the reliability of the power supply of electric rolling stock of railways is the trouble-free operation of the traction power supply system in various modes of its operation. For post-emergency and forced modes of operation of the traction power supply system, a decrease in load capacity is characteristic. In order to ensure the throughput and carrying capacity of the railway section by traction power supply devices, it is proposed to consider the use of electric power storage devices on electric rolling stock and in the traction power supply system. Studies conducted by domestic and foreign researchers allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative solutions to improve the reliability of power supply, which include various options for the use of electric power storage devices on electric rolling stock and in the traction power supply system. This article presents the results of a review of these solutions, a simulation model of a traction power supply system and an electric rolling stock with power storage devices based on various batteries and a supercapacitor is proposed. Modeling of changes in the modes of operation of the traction power supply system is carried out taking into account the state control of switching devices. The calculation results allow us to estimate the voltage drop at the output of electric power storage devices, including taking into account the exponential zone of the discharge characteristics of batteries, to estimate the voltage change for a given electric traction load depending on the energy intensity of the storage device, made on the basis of the most common types of batteries and a supercapacitor.
  • V.1(33), 2018

    Application of regression models for estimatingthe energy efficiency of auxiliary equipment of electric locomotives of the 2es6 series

    The article assesses the influencing factors for electric power consumption for the needs of the electric locomotives of the 2ES6 series, statistical models for normalizing the electric power consumption for own power have been generated, and their quality has been assessed.
  • V.2(18), 2014

    Study of efficiency oscillating regimes in energy supply infrared technology in capsulating winding insulation repair of electrical motors of locomotives

    The article is devoted to continue presenting the results of experimental studies on the identifi-cation of rational modes of IR energy supply in encapsulation technology insulation windings of electric machines (EM) of traction rolling stock (TPS). In this paper, published the results of com-paring the effectiveness of the use of various oscillatory modes of infrared (IR) energy supply in the process of winding insulation encapsulation the frontal parts armature winding of the traction mo-tor type NB-514B electric locomotives series "Ermak" on the process plant at their depot and fac-tory repair. In studies to identify rational oscillating modes IR energy supply option duty cycle remained unchanged for the existing design of the generator of heat radiation technological installation, and changed only option cyclical, characterized by changing the speed of rotation of the armature trac-tion motor on the plant corresponding to 5, 25 and 50 Hz when the drive installation works from the frequency converter. The process of encapsulation was carried out first only short-wavelength radiation generated incoherent halogen emitters, then only at medium-wavelength radiation generated pulse ceramic radiators, and finally - with alternating heating medium short- and medium-wavelength radiation, i.e. with these two types of emitters in the spectral-oscillating mode IR energy, on which is currently obtained patent for the invention. For comparability of experimental studies same dose irradiation of segments frontal part of the armature windings of the traction motor type NB-514B electric lo-comotives «Ermak». Objective factors when comparing encapsulation modes to identify the most efficient are pa-rameters such as dielectric strength (the value of the breakdown voltage insulating tape) and ce-menting capacity.
  • V.1(25), 2016

    Motion control of locomotive bogie in curves

    The article deals with the controlled motion of electric locomotive 2ЭС5К «Ermak» in the small radius curves. To implement the management offered to enter into the composition of each axlebox node of wheels pair additional unit - a special carriage. Analyzed two variants the control electric locomotive in the small radius curves. The conclusion the most efficiency control is control of the first wheels pair.
  • V.4(44), 2020

    Improving of test schemes for induction traction motors using the method of mutual load

    The article analyzes the test schemes of induction traction motors by the mutual load method using DC generators as load machines and powered by a three-phase AC network with a frequency of 50 Hz. Features of functioning of each of the given schemes of mutual loading are considered. The disadvantages of these schemes are noted, due to the presence of excess equipment or the lack of short-circuit protection in the anchor circuit of the load generator and the complexity of its connection to the DC link. The scheme developed by the authors is proposed, devoid of the noted disadvantages of the known schemes and combining all their advantages, which is the simplest both in the power part and in controlling the process of connecting the armature winding to the DC link of a frequency Converter. A mathematical model of a test system consisting of an induction traction motor, a DC load generator and a two-link static frequency Converter is presented. The mathematical model of this test system is made up of parts corresponding to its individual elements. The presented mathematical model makes it possible to calculate the static and dynamic operating modes of the proposed scheme at the stage of development of an electrical complex for testing induction traction motors. Recommendations on the implementation of developments in the operation of induction traction motors in locomotive repair depots are given. The expediency of implementing the results of work in organizations-developers of test stations for induction traction motors is also noted.
  • V.1(25), 2016

    Assessment of uniformity of vibration parameters of an electric train's standard assemblies

    To improve the reliability of the detection of a technical condition of the mechanical components of rail rolling stock and calculate the critical values of the parameters put forward the hypothesis of the homogeneity of groups of similar nodes mechanical electron-tropoezda. As part of an experiment to verify this hypothesis, carried out the collection of information about the values of vibration parameters of electric components in the movement; the technique and the statistical analysis of the measured vibration parameters for the same type of bonds-fishing.
  • V.2(38), 2019

    Features of vibration arising in a pair of «electric locomotive wheel - rail» in curves of small radius

    The paper is vibration investigation in a case of guiding of railroad vehicle in curves with low radius. Experimental methods. Examine results of the investigation of vibrations on box bearing of railroad locomotive in a case of mountain trucking with large count of curves with low radius. It is show, that in a case of locomotive guiding in a low radius curves a pseudo-random vibration arise. The level of the pseudo-random vibration in a low radius curves exceeds the vibration in the rail joint, but vibration in the guiding is semi continuous. In a case of locomotive working, also the harmonics of gearing is shown. The spectral density of vibration accelerations is presented in a three-dimensional form, coded in color on a two-dimensional time-frequency diagram for estimating the vibration spectra and their probable sources.
  • V.1(25), 2016

    Accounting for joint work teams of single walled elements shell construction of railway rolling stock

    In this paper we presented an option accounting compliance joints through mathematical modeling of prefabricated single-walled cylindrical geometric op-totropnyh shells on the basis of the contact boundary value problem of structural type.
  • V.3(39), 2019

    Mathematical models of defects of rotor mechanisms of rolling stock in the frequency and time domains

    The expediency of introducing dynamic models of defect development into the practice of vibration diagnostics of rotor mechanical units is substantiated. It is shown that as a basis for the creation of models it is advisable to use empirical data. An example of a dynamic model of a small gear defect of a wheel-gear unit is given. The approximate amount of work on the creation of dynamic models is determined. Methods of realization of dynamic models of defects "in the big" are offered.
  • V.3(43), 2020

    Application of intelligent systems and technologies for monitoring and planning of the trains traction energy efficiency

    This article touches upon the energy efficiency of train traction at Russian Railways. The relevance of scientific research in this issue has been substantiated. Requirements for organizational and technical measures implemented to improve the energy efficiency of train traction are given. The groups of factors that actually affect energy efficiency indicators have been identified. The creation of an intelligent system for monitoring and planning energy efficiency of train traction is proposed. The goals and objectives of creating such a system are formulated. The main features and classes of intelligent systems in the context of their application for solving the problems indicated in the article are described. The functional diagram of the proposed system and its description are given.